Anka's album
My name is Anka, "Arletti de la Mineaudière". I was born on April 10, 2001. Our new pup Anka in June 2001. 
This is Patti, together with her new playmate Anka , photographed in June 2001. This is Ushi, together with her new playmate Anka , photographed in June 2001.
It's a dogs life, photographed in June 2001. Here the whole family (Patty, Phydias, Anka and Ushi) is enjoying a warm summer afternoon in August 2001.
Anka in a basket, photographed in September 2001. Anka and Alicia are good friends.
Anka with her playmates Ushi and Patty. Anka and Alicia on the beach (July 2002).
Anka enjoys lying in the sun on the back of the sofa. The picture was taken in December 2002. Anka in the garden, April 2003.
Anka in the garden, April 2003. Becky, Anka and Ushi on June 22 2003.
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